Wednesday, 25 May 2011

A lesson I learnt the hard way...

Well, if I were to buy a fish from a local pet shop I know the fish would be in bad condition, so that's why I don't buy from local pet shops. I sought out the best pet shop I could, well it's not really a pet shop it's a garden center that has some extremely amazing and rare fish, I have bought from them for two years now, not to find a sick fish in my tank from them, up until a few months ago. I bought two lovely young glass catfish to keep the older glass catfish company which I had been given due to a friend giving up the hobby... Less than a day later one of the youngsters was seriously ill, bloated until I thought she would burst, seriously! Due to the species I could see blood streaks inside her body, which I could not see before and of course the other youngster fell ill, luckily they're still with us, zipping about the 48 gallon. Happy and Healthy. About two weeks ago I got three corydoras, one fell ill the next day.. Fin rot, a really bad case too but he's all well now, except one of the other corys got a fungus just after the other corydoras fell ill.. I was shocked and I put in his medicine but it was too late he had passed it onto the first fw tropical fish I had ever got, Oreo my one corydoras'. Luckily they are both on the mend thanks to Blue Methylene!! Then three days ago I saw a CROWN TAIL betta when I was getting live plants, he was so beautiful I couldn't resist! I started training him right away, but two days later I woke up, heartbroken to find him with ich (white spot). I had no salt and my heater will not go up any higher, we were sure to be doomed. But right now he's been treated with anti white spot, who knows if he'll make it, but I sure hope he does he's a little smartie, here he is. He's such a beaut , don't you agree? P.S. always have a QT (if you are able).  In this hobby bad things happen overnight, good things take time. Thanks for reading.

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